Waiting for breakfast to finish baking. I am making Egg and Toast cups from Steamy Kitchen (her picture above)
6. Shape the head band so that it's got a smaller curve.
7. Then try on the headband to make sure it's the right fit. If needed clip off more of it or reshape it.
8. Pick the piece of jewelry you want to use.
9. Remove all unwanted stuff off the piece using the wire cutters. Snip off earring posts, pin posts, charm loops. You want a flatish back for glue.
I had to send Marzipan away for this next bit because I am a Klutz and didn't want to get glue on her.
10. Put glue either on the back of the jewelry piece OR on the headband direcly. I usually like putting it on the piece unless it's tiny.
11. Put the piece of jewelry on the headband.
12. Use the painters tape to help hold the piece down then put aside and let dry. I usually leave it 3 to 7 days to dry and cure.
13. Once dry remove the tape and headband from the ball. It's now complete!
Problems: I've had it happen where a piece either doesn't glue to the headband or glue's crooked. With metal pieces the glue can peel off and you can try it again.
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