Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Life with dolls...

Well hello there!

It's been awhile. I'm still collecting dolls, even if I've been super quiet online. So much is new! New house, new job, new dolls! So let's start with this girl I just purchased off of EBay. 

She's a Himeno 1/12 Picco Neemo and should be a perfect fit for the dollhouse I'm building. I wanted a doll that was cute, didn't feel cheap and had a noggin that felt in scale with the dollhouse rooms. I spent 5 months searching for the perfect doll. 

My other new doll is an adorable tan Pukifee Luna from Fairyland. 

I missed out on the Fairyland tan event as I was busy purchasing our home - which was one of the most stressful moments of my life. I will never sell and buy a house at the same time. I lucked out and found this girl on DOA's second hand market. I love the feel and color of Fairyland's tan resin. Dare I say even more than Bambicrony? She still doesn't have a name. The wig is a Liv doll wig.

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